The Community Supporting Community Police.
Building bridges between people and the police. Providing non-government funding for improved police technology
Effective policing requires improved communications between the community and the law enforcement agency. SCPA is a group of concerned citizens who want to see our communities develop into a great place to call home. Interaction between community and the police should serve to build bridges and strengthen the sense of community. We are also dedicated to direct from community funding for support and technologies that may be beyond the reach of our municipal governments.
News & Upcoming Events
How We Build Community Support for Local Police
Cops & Bobbers ® Kids’ Fishing Derby
What is more All-American or more Redbank Valley than a spring morning spent fishing with family and friends?
Cops and Bobbers ® Kids’ Fishing Derby is an opportunity for local law enforcement officers to spend a morning helping kids of all ages hone their fishing skills.
Southern Clarion Police Association intends to make Cops and Bobbers ® Kids’ Fishing Derby an annual event at New Bethlehem’s beautiful Gumtown park.
This is an incredible opportunity for kids to interact with law enforcement in a positive, very traditional setting.

Officer Lloyd Reed Memorial Scholarship

End of Watch – November 28, 2015
Officer Lloyd Reed, Jr. served with the Seven Springs Borough Police department, St. Clair Township Police Department, Hooversville Borough Police Department, and Seward Borough Police Department for a combined total of 25 years. Officer Reed was shot and killed while responding to a domestic disturbance call at a home in New Florence, PA.
At the suggestion of Chief Robert Malnofsky, the Southern Clarion Police Association maintains a scholarship program in honor of Officer Reed. The scholarship is awarded to a deserving individual who is planning to further their education in law enforcement or the skilled trades.
We believe that it is fitting to so honor an officer who gave his life in service to service to the community.
SPCA welcomes your contribution to this effort.
“Brady Cup” Basketball Tournament
It has been said that “Boys will be boys”- and so will a lot of middle aged men! The Southern Clarion Police Association offers “boys of all ages” an opportunity to shake off winter blues and strut their stuff on the hardwood.
Local teams from first responders, fire departments, school faculties, or any other group of guys (or gals) are invited to East Brady on a Saturday in January to participate in a “round-robin” tournament.
The highly coveted “Brady Cup” travelling trophy and bragging rights will be on the line each January at our mid-winter fundraiser. Shed the winter blues and have some fun while helping with our fundraising. Contact SPCA for more information.

K9 Unit

Photo by bantersnaps on Unsplash
Many experts believe that police dogs are essential to effective policing in our modern American society. Well trained dogs can serve many functions in police work. Dogs can be trained to track, search, and rescue, and find bodies as well as sniffing out explosives and narcotics. Police dogs work well as a public relations tool, making local police seem more friendly and more helpful to children. Along with their practical work, the police dog might be one of the best PR tools that a police department can have. Our goal is to raise the money to purchase and train a dog and handler, to equip a police vehicle, and to pay for the upkeep of the dog without municipal funding. We invite you to be part of our work, join us, volunteer, or donate.
Mobile Technology
Police used to have to call into the station with phones that were set up at street corners and highways. Modern communications systems have basically turned police vehicles into mobile police stations.
Thanks to an advanced onboard computer that is always online, cops are kept well informed about what’s going on around town and can easily access police databases from anywhere.
Everything from traffic tickets to criminal investigations move smoother and faster with these advanced computer systems, giving officers the ability to pull up suspect mug shots, upload crime scene photos or check someone’s license.
We intend to raise enough money to equip all the New Bethlehem police vehicles with state of the art computer systems. Please join us in this effort!

Community Days Festival

The Southern Clarion County Community Days (formally Cookie Days Festival) is an annual event that includes a parade, ugly truck contest, food, music, 50/50 & Raffle, BBQ, Car Cruise, and more!
Interested in helping us achieve our goals?
If you are able, please consider donating by clicking the donation button on the right. You will be taken to PayPal to complete the transaction. Any donation is appreciated and will be used to support the programs listed above.
For more information, or to join please contact:
Southern Clarion Police Association
220 Broad Street
New Bethlehem, PA 16242
(814) 275-1180
[email protected]